Member Grants
The aim of these grants is to promote the benefits of collegiate residences in and associated with Australian universities. They seek to foster living and learning environments that support the professional growth and development of collegiate community leaders and, in turn, enhance the student experience. Better leaders, better collegiate life!

Conference Grants
UCA supports the ongoing professional development of members to attend professional conferences through the provision of a Conference Grant. Members may apply for this grant and if successful, they will receive a sum of up $1,000 towards the costs of attending the conference.
Research Grants
The UCA acknowledges the importance of ongoing research into enhancing the collegiate experience. To assist members conduct research for the pursuit of further development of the collegiate values supported by the UCA, the Association may award up to two grants in any calendar year, with each grant up to a sum of $2,000.
Research Paper Grant Application
Future Leaders’ Grants
The purpose of UCA Future Leaders’ Grants is to provide support and encouragement for deputies/deans to engage in/undertake a project, program, course and/or visits that will contribute to better collegiate life, especially in areas of pastoral care, academic and other student support initiatives, cross-cultural engagement and understanding, and the links between college, campus and the wider community. The Association may award up to two grants in any calendar year, with each grant up to a sum of $2,000.